Abstract strategy games to improve strategic planning - Quoridor

The abstract strategy game Quoridor is deceptively deep for its simple rules. Quoridor is played on a 9x9 game board where 2 to 4 players move their pawn to the opposite end. The first player to do so wins! It sounds like checkers but unlike checkers, each player has walls which they can place to impede the other player from achieving his goal. Quoridor received the Mensa Mind Game award in 1997 and the Game Of The Year in the USA, France, Canada and Belgium so it has a strong pedigree.

The original game pieces are classic and look gorgeous although we have seem plastic knockoffs with the same game play in many toyshops. It’s really the brain burning planning that really brings out the strategic thinking and careful planning that many people enjoy, particularly how the walls are used defensive or even offensively and can create an interesting looking game board at the end of each session. Definitely one to try if you enjoy games like checkers or chess. Check out the video below on how to play in only one minute!